Let’s find your body shape

Wow…back in the ‘hot seat’ and continuing where I left off with The Psychology of Clothes

Thinking back to Epictetus;

“Know, first, who you are; then adorn yourself accordingly”

Now lets help you find your body shape.

Don’t panic – this doesn’t involve waist or bust sizes! What you do need are:

  • A friend or partner to help
  • Two tape measures – a firm metal builders type and a soft dressmaking type
  • A piece of paper and a pen

To begin with, stand with your back to your partner with your shoes off.

Then measure your height with the firm tape measure and record it.

1.6m or less and you’re Petite
1.6m – 1.65m you’re Average height
1.65m or above then you’re Tall

Next measure your inside leg and record it as your leg length.

Then take away your leg measurement from your height measurement and record that as your body length.

This will tell you whether you have short legs and a long body or long legs and a short body. Record this on your piece of paper.

Next – look out for the pink lines!

From the side of your body measure the distance between your inside leg length and your armpit (a)

Again from side of your body, measure the distance between your natural waist and your armpit (b)

Take away measurement (b) from measurement (a) to give you measurement (c)

If  (b) is less than (c) then you’re short-waisted. If (c) is less than (b) then your long-waisted. Record which one you are.

Finally – keep looking out for the pink lines!

Stand with your back to your partner and get them to measure your shoulder width

Then stand with your back to your partner and get them to measure your hip width

If your shoulder width is wider then you’re an ‘inverted triangle’

If your hip width is wider then you’re a ‘pear shape’

If they’re the same then you’re are either an ‘hour-glass’ or you’re ‘straight’

So there you go; you have a better understanding about body shapes!

Next time I’ll be sharing some more information and tips about your body and how to make the most of it.

In the meantime, have some fun finding out what your body shape is…

Bye for now

Sal x


2 Responses to “Let’s find your body shape”

  1. Great article Sally!

    You did this with me when you did my consultation, but I think I will do it again by myself so I know how to do it, but also because body shapes change so I can compare on when we last met.

    Thanks again as your such an inspiration!


    • Hi
      Thanks for that Amanda – Your body shape will remain the shape unless massive fitness routine to change muscle bulk in particular places, but it’s a great idea to re visit the idea and then follow the guidlines that will be out in a couple of weeks.

      Sal x

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